To Trade Show or Not to Trade Show
People lining up to tour endless displays of whatever is new in the industry of choice.
Salesmen on the hunt who can smell your fear.
Display after Display.
Endless hours of walking.
If that doesn’t shout exciting, I don’t know what will.
Trade Shows are a great way for an industry leader to showcase what might be new or innovating happening in the industry that the viewers may not know. All you must do is grab their attention. Th best thing is that the people who attend this are choosing to be there. It’s not like you are trying to sell to a passerby while walking through the mall.
Seriously, the people want to be there. They want to know what is new. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. You can’t miss.
Or can you?
Where most companies miss the mark is in their Trade Show Displays. They either have too small of a budget or they don’t spend the time planning out what they are trying to achieve. We have all been there at some point. 2 weeks until the Trade Show and you have nothing printed or even on the drawing board, so you end up piecing together something from your last Trade Show Display.
What would happen if you started planning ahead and put a little more money in the budget for your Trade Show booth?
I can’t see the future, but I’m pretty sure I know what would happen. You would leave your Trade Show Display visitors with a lasting impression.
The tradeshow booths I have seen over the years have become a huge mixed up mess that all starts to look like each other except for a small handful. The one’s that have stayed with me over the years are the tradeshow displays that went for it. The company that decided that the investment in an elaborate tradeshow display was worth it will always be the ones you remember.
We recently went to the NBWA and had a booth to showcase what the HP Latex 365 can do for the Beer Industry. We had our display backdrop look like a typical convenience store to show what the different types of printing applications the HP Latex 365 can do. But the big attraction was a piece of plexiglass and some Perforated Vinyl that had been printed on the Latex 365 Printer. Many Beer Distributors hadn’t started utilizing one-way vision film, or perf vinyl, in their advertising efforts and when they saw the graphic effect paired with the ability to see through it, they were sold.
You can see our display here on our social medias and comment Facebook Instagram
The simple choice of spending a bit of time working on some new ideas to showcase an innovative product helped secure our spot in most of the attendee’s minds. Yes, there were people who attended that were already using perf vinyl in their advertising efforts, but by us bringing a unique tradeshow piece with us they got to see it firsthand.
Every piece of our tradeshow display was sourced inhouse except for the tables and the plexiglass. We used our extensive catalog of tradeshow equipment and banner-up medias to help showcase who we are as a company and what we bring to the table. If you are looking for innovative ways to help illustrate your business, then reach out to us! Our team would love to talk about what you have in mind and what types of products and medias you might be needing.
As always we would love to hear from you about your thoughts or ideas on the subject! Please comment below and share on your social media!
Hello Nathaniel:
Who should I talk to at Digital Media Warehouse about the special promotion we’re running on the demo units of the new Evolution-3 cutter?