Wide Format Printers | Cedar Rapids, Iowa
The City of Five Seasons, Cedar Rapids, is the second largest city in Iowa just behind Des Moines and is a major cultural hub for arts and museums. In Fact, in the last 2 decades a few major A-List actors have come from Cedar Rapids; like, Ron Livingston, Elijah Wood, and Ashton Kutcher. This city is home to the National Czech & Slovak Museum, the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, the Paramount Theatre, and the Theatre Cedar Rapids. Cedar Rapids may be a cultural hub for the arts, but it is one of the largest corn processing cities in the world and grain processing is the largest industry in the city. With all of these major industries you would think printing would be last on the list, but you would be surprised in the ways that this city is utilizing wide format printing.
Cedar Rapids uses wide format printing to print advertisements on theater backdrops for the major theaters located in the city. Many companies are utilizing Wide Format Printing to leave their mark in the community and to help establish a brand that people can recognize. Digital Media Warehouse has been the preferred digital wide format printer and supply provider across the nation and we specialize in evaluating printshops, to help find the best printer and media fit for you.
What would happen if you stopped outsourcing all your wide format prints and started doing them inhouse? You would cut your graphic print costs exponentially and join hundreds of other clients that Digital Media Warehouse has helped. Here at Digital Media Warehouse, we pride ourselves in the fact that we have the knowledge and staff to evaluate your printshop needs and match you with the perfect wide format printer and wide format printer media. We have a wide format printer media selection of over 300 various types and sizes and we have over 50 wide format printer options as well. We have everything you need to stop wasting money on getting your graphics printed somewhere besides your own office.
Here at Digital Media Warehouse, we only recommend the best, the best wide format printer, the best wide format media, nothing but the best will do. Since we only stand behind the best, only the best staff will do. Our team has over 100 years’ experience in servicing your wide format printers and equipping your team to meet print deadlines; our main goal, to make your life easier. We have been a leader in the Wide Format Industry since we began in 1998 and we are always looking to the future. If you want to partner with the best now and the best to come, look no further. Digital Media Warehouse has all your wide format needs.